
Sunday, September 4, 2016

Im back! Again..

                     Hey Froggers!
So sorry i have been gone, i have been Sick, i have had lacrosse and school had just started up again..

                                                        Btw your fan-art ROCKS!
Also more news im doing a Bet!
The best bet for these two peices of art gets them!

Here they are, I will be making more
Masterpiece 1  "In the world"
 Masterpieces for the contest.
But your bets in the comments, the betting will end on Sep.10
And from now on i will be doing Everyday posts once again
(i think the other authors quit, im still looking into it though)
Cant wait to see your further support for the blog and your bets!
Masterpiece 2 "In a sky"


  1. School is Starting for me soon. -HarmonyPurr9

  2. I don't really bet BUT SCHOOL HAS ALREADY STARTED FOR ME :(


Be nice, No Cursing, Nothing TO personal, Jam on!