
Saturday, July 30, 2016

Animal Jam Life Hacks?

Why hello there Froggers, I know life in Jamaa can get a little tough but here are some life hacks to help you out.

                                                       The Daily Spin Diamond hack

Have you had a rough morning and running low on diamonds, well there is a way to get diamonds from the daily spin! There are many possible ways you just have to play around with it. A combination you should try is hitting the right diamond two times then the left diamond two times and last but not least the gift two times. It does not work all the time but surely will if you keep trying.

                                                                   Phantom Candy

If you want to phantom up your cotton candy head over to the Summer Carnival. First choose black, then white as the second layer, and then once again black. Tada! you have a spooky phantom following you.

                                                                 Hidden land on map

If you are trying to get to Crystal Sands from Coral Canyons, you will notice a little pathway land that doesn't show up on the World map just like the pillow room.

                                                                         Washing off

Dirty from mud or lava? Just head to a pool or waterfall and your been clean just like that, without having to wait!

Thats all I have Froggers leave a comment down below if you know any Animal Jam life hacks. Before I go the next Jammer to be eliminated from the den contest is... Shimmerofstars! Sorry but amazing home style den! ANNOUNCEMENT, all prizes may be a little delayed since Lauren (PandaFrogZz) is having technical problems, but Shimmerofstars you will surely get you prize!
 -Crazygirldude signing out

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