
Sunday, July 24, 2016

Longest Suspension In Animal Jam History!

     Hello Fellow Jammer,

Thank you for contacting Animal Jam Support Headquarters.

We understand that you would like further details concerning a moderation incident on the account Pandafrogzz.

The player account was issued a 3-day suspension. Our system does not begin counting down to a suspension's expiration date until the player account next attempts to log into the game and receives notification of the suspension. Because of this, some suspensions may appear to last longer than intended.

   Okay, Seriously?!  You guys don't know how mad this makes me >:(  
So i don't know How long this will take For me to be unsuspended. When i found that i was suspended. I had just got to my Grandmas Maybe at noon.. So maybe I'll be unsuspended  By tomorrow..
My temporary Wolf In My temporary Den..
I feel so sad!!!

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Be nice, No Cursing, Nothing TO personal, Jam on!