
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Den contest Participants+The first Elimination

                                         Hey Froggers! Here are the dens In The Contest!
For this contest i will Be eliminating dens everyday (don't take it personally) There was no theme i am just                                                   Choosing the most EPIC dens to go on :D

                                          Den 1: Cuddly6342: And her very nice Garden den
Den 2: VICTORYSCREECHxD: And her Beautiful Mushroom Hut 
Den 3: The beautiful den by Lost fairy! Its so Beachy i would totally rent it for vacation
 Den 4: The most Beta den i've seen in a long time by Unknownauthor
Den 5: A very well-organised Den By Bunnyekg
Den 6: Created by 12332sofia (chat filters wouldn't let me say her full username) She brings you A very Plant inspired den!
Den 7: A den that looks like areal home created by: Shimmerofstars
Den 8: A very cozy den, very nice by lpscutie5

But... We have to eliminate someone... And that someone will be....
Sorry but your eliminated. 
I will be sending you a.....
Hippppppoooooo Pond :D
                            Hope you enjoy, And i hope you guys turn up to the party on Thursday!
Stay tuned tomorrow for more EPIC prizes and more eliminations!


  1. I think to make the contest more interesting, each round we should have to make a different den with more effort than the last. I mean, we could vote, but not everyone is going to have the same den out and unlocked at all times. Just a suggestion :)


    1. It is a little late to do that now, but i LOVE that idea i will make sure to do that with the next den contest, And also give you a shout out, Thank you Vicky,

    2. No problem, thanks m8



Be nice, No Cursing, Nothing TO personal, Jam on!